LHA(R) OT&E Support

Scope and Complexity: Experience in the areas defined the PWS/SOW for evaluating the operational effectiveness and suitability of the LHA program. Similarity of technical and managerial intricacy and required coordination of efforts and disciplines that exists between the PWS/SOW and the offeror's performance on other contracts.

The AVW Team provided the COMOPTEVFOR LHA(R) [now LHA 6] Program Operational Test Director (OTD) with Test and Evaluation support for over six years, and is equal in scope, magnitude and complexity to the proposed LHA effort. We have been involved from early concept development through start of fabrication. Our experienced Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) analysts are subject matter experts with significant testing skills and amphibious and expeditionary warfare experience. They are former large-deck amphibious shipboard personnel and staff, knowledgeable in shipboard operations, Marine Corps and small unit Naval Support Element embarkation and loading, ship-to-shore maneuver, ship systems and sub-systems, integration and suitability.

We provided extensive program management support of the OTD in all required tasks. We performed documentation review and test planning support for a concurrent LHA 6 Early Operational Assessment (EOA) prior to the Milestone B decision while simultaneously developing the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP).

Planned and coordinated the EOA in 2005 with meticulous attention to detail and close coordination with MCOTEA and LHA 6 Program Office (PMS 377) ensuring the availability of 160 Subject Matter Experts from the Fleet, Fleet Marine Force and other DoN and DoD agencies to conduct six separate EOA sessions covering five subject areas testing the LHA 6 design to support operational effectiveness and suitability.

Reviewed all pertinent documents; Top Level Requirements, LHA(R) Analysis of Alternatives, Required Operational Capability (ROC)/ Predicted Operational Environment (POE), Concepts of Operation (CONOPS), CDD, TEMP, Navy Training Plan, Logistics support plans, and provided comments and briefing material on each.

Supported LHA 6 Program OTD attending meetings, briefings, Integrated Product Teams (IPT), design reviews. Plan, coordinated, and hosted Integrated Test Team (ITT) meetings and splinter group sessions. Provided briefing-support materials and submitted trip/meeting reports on same. Developed the ITT Charter and the Memorandum of Agreements (MOA) for LHA 6 ship review and DT support procedures with PMS 3772.

Assisted in the development of Critical Operational Issues (COIs), and selected Joint Task Lists (JTL), Naval Tasks (NTA), and Marine Corps Tasks (MCT) for association to COIs for OT, DT assists, EOAs, OAs, and Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E). Compiled the necessary draft items for operational testing and the integrated testing.

Produced the first OT&E Framework document for a Total Ship Test program using guidance from COMOPTEVFOR IT PIN 1A, which provides a comprehensive continuum of testing for LHA 6 through IOT&E.

Worked closely with PMS 377 to produce a joint Mission Area Analysis which was briefed and approved by the LHA 6 T&E WIPT.

Provided briefing to the LHA T&E WIPT on the COMOPTEVFOR Mission Based Test Design methodology.

Developed and maintained the LHA(R)/LHA 6 requirements and issues database and the IT&E Framework. Together, they represent the T&E Toolset for LHA 6 Mission Based Test Design for OPTEVFOR OTD.

Reviewed PMS 377 Modeling and Simulation (M&S) documentation for adequacy and applicability to operational test requirements and provided recommendations to the OTD.

Provided draft test planning documentation, document review responses, Draft TEMP updates, Draft Test reports, and other briefs and briefing materials as requested by the OTD.

Planned, coordinated, briefed and executed OT-B1 phase of test. Reduced and analyzed data collected during test events, validated accuracy and applicability for further analysis, correlated issues to COIs and compiled comprehensive OT-B1 Test Report for COTF review and approval.

Provided program management support in the form of monthly progress reports, work progress on assigned tasks (earned value management), work plans and expenditure of funds and labor hours during the month and Annual Summary Reports.

Performed liaison with Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, NSWC Carderock, NSWC Dahlgren, Marine Corps Combat Development Center, LHDRON, MARFORLANT, II MEF, III MEF, COMSECONDFLT, various PHIBRONs, TACRONs, NAVAIR, INSURV to ensure requirements were analyzed (tested) appropriate to designed capabilities.

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